
Negotiations for all NAPE public sector bargaining units have been ongoing since early spring. From the outset government has been insisting that the new Job Evaluation System (JES), which covers the majority of bargaining units in the public service, had to form part of the bargaining process.

This has caused significant delays in negotiations towards new collective agreements. In an attempt to move bargaining forward Secretary Treasurer Bert Blundon and I have initiated separate discussions with Treasury Board officials regarding the JES.

These discussions took place throughout the summer. Unfortunately, there is still no agreement on the implementation formula for the JES.

Collective bargaining negotiations are continuing throughout the fall.

To date the discussions have primarily focused on non monetary issues. To be candid, we have been extremely disappointed with government’s approach to bargaining and the lack of meaningful progress.

At this point, we are committed to staying at the bargaining table until an impasse is reached or we have satisfactorily concluded negotiations.

You may have noticed as a part of the bargaining process NAPE has launched an extensive advertising campaign promoting the value of your work and the impact of cuts to our health care system. This campaign will continue. If a bargaining impasse occurs, the focus of the campaign will be changed to reflect the issues flowing from the bargaining table.

We are committed to achieving the best possible collective agreements for the membership.

Time will tell if the provincial government is prepared to bargain fairly and respect the vital contribution of NAPE members to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Recent public statements from the Premier are a cause for concern. On one hand, government boasts about our vibrant economy while at the same time we see reductions in service throughout the public sector.

As the bargaining process plays out we will be in a better position to decide if governments agenda for bargaining is one of cooperation or confrontation. While we prefer the former we are ready if it is the latter.

Further updates will be posted on our website.

Thank You